Get Involved

Become A Sponsor or Partner With Us

By becoming a sponsor your company will play a key role in growing the Syracuse tech community. Sponsorship supports skill-building events, our mentorship program, and other projects that help students and early-career professionals grow in their careers. Email the board to learn more.

Are there other ways you’d like to work with us? Whether you work for a library, school, community center, or are just a member of the CNY community, reach out and we’ll see if we can help.

Join the Syracuse Dev Community

Join us for skill building and networking events and build out your local network. Find our upcoming events on meetup. And stay up to date with the latest community announcements, events, or job opportunities in area by joining the slack group.

Keep up with CODES

We have a lot of exciting things in store. Don’t miss a thing! Follow us @CODESyracuse on twitter.